Neolife GNLD Super Gro Liquid Fertilizer Trade
1 year ago - Agriculture & Food - Kano Municipal, Kano State - 441 views
Kano Municipal, Kano State
Super Gro also reduces how often you need to change the water in your fish pond because it increases the amount of oxygen dissolving in the pond, reduces ammonia level and maintains the natural water PH in the pond.and cannibalism . *It promotes uniform growth of the chickens and prevents foul odour. It prevents the chickens from FLU {fowl plague}. It prevents them from the swollen head. It prevents the chickens from epidemic tremor. Super Gro is a natural liquid fertilizer developed to ensure the enhancement of crops and improve agricultural productivity. it also functions as an adjuvant/surfactant that enables more water to reach the roots of the plant, thus optimizing plant growth in less time.